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Posts posted by zint3000

  1. thanks sinclair...09 cards are darn nice...
    thank god my sis limit to 5 cars each haul...
    or i might end up over my budget...hehe

    maybe got luck after the meet up with u shakz....
    ehehe ur not bad also on ur borneo haul...
    left some for me bro...i will return back home in few days time...

  2. Midvalley Haul (08 March 2009)

    Nothing much at jusco...
    got quite nice variety of new cards...
    here what did i decided to grab at the end...

    Finish my 08 track stars by obtaining trak tune...
    so relief...now can focus on 09 track stars...
    and happy to get the amazoom...
    one had been raped just now...
    cant resist haha
    till then...peace outz~

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