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Khaire2010i GTR

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About Khaire2010i GTR

  • Birthday 08/24/1985
  1. Perghhh....ekzos kene kasi tu, waaa suda dengki samalussss...
  2. 2010 tata...!!! 2011 welcome...!!!
  3. thanks for ur adviced.. tulaa tgh kumpul duit nk beli almari baru..
  4. welcome aboard..hahaa..this piece got spare not? nicelahhh... ni kete ape la siot? awesome! ade name die...nant i find out..! lame dh beli..!! tak silap.. model 2009 ade kluar model ni but lain patent
  5. terpaksa rabakkn poket utk beli kedua-duanya..!!!!
  6. got it from the store kuantan parade.... sama tapi tak serupa.... i realise after put them side by side...
  7. my hunting at kuantan...! at giant & 7-E... all around town..
  8. you can get this loose GTR at uptown shah alam.. price RM10 each..! the shop near kedai mkn.. got 1 toy shop selling loose hotwheels..
  9. that my one & only collection of Boneshaker... hehe... thanks for the support bro..!
  10. terima kasih to All ter bro..! trima lah aku seadanya...
  11. huuuaaaaa....!!! gua pon atak satu...!
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