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Posts posted by madmax_jr1

  1. LKS wrote:
    Hi bros!

    Thanks for the comments!!!

    These screws are easy to find in great screws stores (the ones that sell only screws, drills, they have a wall plenty of small drawers with any type/size of screws).

    Some people says that computers screws works. I don´t think so. The hard disk screws are too large (3mm) Computer case screws are large too (3.5mm). See the picture below.

    The correct is on the left Ø2.2 x 6.5 mm

    The smallest one in the center is a screw from a broken calculator, too small (1.6 mm)

    These examples are the most commom small screws found at home!


    I think some screws from notebook or laptop can be used... because i've tried before... and its work... just be careful when screw to the chasis (base). Those screws are fragile to the tighten pressure (do not over tighten)... and screwdrivers must be in the correct size (cannot to big or too small).
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