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Posts posted by Seriously

  1. msclee wrote:
    wildspirit wrote:
    Put that gold lambo with iron man red stripe

    hahahahaha.....goodest idea chief!!!

    fuyoooooooooooh.........Seriously oso infected here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......damm ohsem tambi

    HAHA thanks aneh! :p yealo extra cars with extra spray paint goes well together hehe

  2. danielh wrote:
    Seriously wrote:
    thanks bro danielh! any tips from the sifu? hehe

    keep up the good works, you'll improved as you do more custom and learn progressively on every custom.
    you are already good as first timer and hope to see more from you. thumbsup

    thanks danielh, credit to good ol' buddy elgee / eugene t. sifu for his advices for this project Smile
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