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Everything posted by ewoks

  1. make it 8x4999, and we have a deal
  2. low for the admiral jacket hun, sorry
  3. Im sorry I missed ur reply hun, I sold the astro helmet last night. I updated the thread as soon as I did.
  4. Shop is open, buy the clothes now before prices for clothes start sky-soaring!! Make ur pet the trend-setter in the neighborhood
  5. hi, thanks for the interest For the torn black tee, Im looking for offers not below 30 , and for the admiral jacket at 25x4999. I put the skele dress on sale on my other thread, but i do not have spare of that at the moment, sorry you can offer in 2008 rares and/ or mix with 4999s and perhaps we can work from that. Thanks!
  6. thank you for the offer hun, but the the items u wanted cost more.
  7. received 4999s for the admiral jacket. sent item. thanks for another smooth trade bello adding positive rep for u
  8. 5x4999 recvd from fallen angel for dark pool table. thank u so much for another smooth trade bello. adding positive rep for u!
  9. yep, shamrock lollies still available. just let me know what ur final order is. thanks! i want 2 shamrock lollies and 2 guacamole. total 5x999. thanks. please let me know how much are the teapot and 2 tea cup please. items sent and received, thanks for another smooth trade. will add pos rep for u :biggrin: :
  10. yep, shamrock lollies still available. just let me know what ur final order is. thanks! i want 2 shamrock lollies and 2 guacamole. total 5x999. thanks. please let me know how much are the teapot and 2 tea cup please. oriental teapot is 1x4999, and each cup would only be for 3x999
  11. 2008 rares pls Mario or 4999
  12. items sent and received from Chay, thanks so much for the safe trade! adding positive rep
  13. trying to look for more hun, thanks for offering
  14. hi Mario, thanks for the offer but I would prefer 4999s or rare swap for the clothes! thanks
  15. 5x4999 sweetsbut i just sold it sorry
  16. yep, shamrock lollies still available. just let me know what ur final order is. thanks!
  17. hi Nani! I had just finished my stock of the items u wanted except for the 2 guacomoles for 2x999.
  18. items sent and received. thank u so much for a safe trade! Adding positive rep for you, sweetie
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