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    Come and advertise with us! Check out our recent changes and updates: • New improved theme • New Forum Version: AwesomeBB • Staff Teams were removed: Packager, Reviewer, Graphic Designer + the services we offer. • We are removing the point system, meaning the prices for the services are completely gone! First come, first served. Come use our advertising methods for completely free! Note: Guidelines are being updated..
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  4. Wimbledon carpet cleaners you can count on Our services won’t be completed and that high standard without the professional cleaners we work with. Dedicated and hard-working specialists; Professionally trained and detail-oriented; Able to treat any carpet fibre. Our experienced cleaners can restore the original appearance of your carpet regardless of its material. You can choose between steam cleaning or dry cleaning, depending on your rug type. Here is how both methods work: Dry cleaning Dry cleaning is used on delicate materials like cotton, silk, seagrass, sisal, etc. Also known as fibre agitation, this technique involves the application of a powdered cleaning detergent into the textile. As a magnet, the powder attracts debris and dirt inside the carpet. Afterwards, the piece is vacuumed to remove the product and accumulated dust and grime, leaving you with a ready-to-walk-on carpet. Steam cleaning There is no better carpet cleaning method than hot water extraction, which can restore even the dirtiest carpet. Pretreatment and hot water extraction are the two steps of the solution. The prep stage involves vacuuming the piece thoroughly to remove all crumbs and dirt. A special detergent is applied after the carpet cleaner treats the piece for common stains. The next step is to clean with hot water extraction. To remove all loose dirt, the expert will use a powerful, high-pressure machine that forces water deep into the rug's fibres. As a result, the floor covering is perfectly cleaned and nearly dry.
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