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Tiddly Winks

Social Breeding

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Well, it looks like social breeding has come to Happy Pets. That is going to be so much fun, and it will entice me to do my visits to see which cats my friends have that might match up with mine.

If anyone wants to social breed with my pets, have at it. Baby kitties are my favorite. Laughing

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Yes, I noticed a bunch of baskets in your nursery!

Where do you click to send a social breeding request? (and I really wish they chose a different name...it sounds like an orgy!)

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One of my friends actually had posted that she was doing social breeding and another friend asked if her fiance knew. I nearly spit cola all over the computer screen. That made me laugh soooo hard.

I tried, but only had one success, but my Tess cat and my friend Steffi's Andrew cat breeded twins today. I was overjoyed. congratulations

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I have some awesome kitties now and would love to breed them. But so far, no success ;(

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really???? social breeding????
hmmm....that is kind of cool..... *thinking*

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One of the things that people need to remember is that social breeding is just like regular breeding. Once that pet has been breeded, it's pointless to even try and get the pets to breed with friend's pets.

I am trying to keep most of my pets 'un breeded' except for the FBC pets (the ones I bought). But, people need to remember before sending requests to not breed the pets they want to breed.

I had about seven requests today, and every one of them except one, got an error message saying that the pet has already bred for the day. One was my pet, the other five or six were the other person's pets.

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They can breed once a day, I got a request and it was a failure so I thought it will be more difficult than normal breeding

Thanks Tiddly, I think I will try with one of yours

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How do you choose the social breeding feature? I see where it says breed with the little heart on the bottom of the screen, but I don't see an option to breed with others. Maybe I'm not a high enough level yet...

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Just go to someone's house, click on a pet, and then click on the heart. It will bring up a window with your pets and then you can select the pet you want to try breeding with your friend's pet.

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Yay! I will have a baby with a Tiddly horse (or something like that)
Thanks you for acepting my request

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I am so excited that Tiddly's cat ball and my dancing cat are having babies! I can't wait to see what we are going to get from that!

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Thank you soo much Yvette for accepting my request yesterday I can't wait to see what the kitty turns out to look like! I really hope it works!

Rocio I sent you a request for a bunny breed congratulations I noticed that all the bunny's now are facebook credits and you have the cutest jackalope lol.

I want to apologize ladies for not having the most interesting breeds to breed with. I can't afford to put money on games a lot of the time so I've only got the coin pets right now.

Also Stasia thank you soo much for accepting my request sweetie and for Yvette for the suggestion congratulations It's so nice to have more happy pet neighbors that play!

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I am happy to have you as a neighbor too!

Check the trading hopper! I found my awesome Seashell there. Also, if you go to the store and scroll through the pets that are for sale there are some cute ones if you save up your coins!

And then there's the breeding...I am so excited! I have 3 babies on the way!

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3 of them wow!! I bet they will be soo cute! I got a really cute kitten from the pet trader thanks so much to Yvette! I'm trying to save up for something special but It's not so easy to earn coins lol. I'm sure it will be coming easier but I'm still learning!

What is the book of magic for anyway? lol I tried looking on the happy pet forum but I can't find anything about it.

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The book of magic is just a reminder for mark the game at the left of your homepage, once you marked it you can keep it as a decor (dont remeber is mark is the right word)

I will put for adoption pets very soon since I have no room for keeping them and its impossible to have them all

And the bredd with the jackalope was good, so i have a basket now, I hope Sara that you have yours too, I have doubt that it was suceeded since my game frozed and had to reboot

If you dont have the basket let me know and I will give you the baby

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If anyone wants my rabbits, I will let you have them. I don't want to sell them, but they are not very interesting to me. I guess because I have so many kitties and want to concentrate on kitties.

I think the whole jackalope thing would be neat if I could get my jackalope to give me jackalope offspring. The blue jackalope breeds with other rabbits, but the trait doesn't pass on. I guess you need two jackalopes and I would rather spend my credits for cats than jackalopes.

Rocio, the cheshire cats should come out of the baskets pretty soon, and hopefully one will be a male. I have two in the baskets right now. But, you can keep sending breeding requests for it, though.

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I don't know how this goes, so if one day you see some request from me, you can ignore it if you want, because I'm totally lost Laughing

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Any request anyone here sends to me will not go ignored. If one of the pets has been bred that day, then I will hold the request till the following day. If the breeding doesn't work the first time, then I will either send another request, or you can send one to me. Either way, we will eventually have a successful breeding.

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Aaaaaaw, thanks Yvette for the help. I have learnt at last how to do that. I hope some day we can have a baby together Laughing

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Hahha, well, our cats at least.

If you have adult cats that want to breed, then just send a request. Or if yoiu can't afford to send, just send me an Ingame message and I'll send the request.

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No problem, I always have coins because I don't spend them Laughing I will try again when I can use a better PC Smile

Thanks for being so kind, Yvette

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