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My lesson/dream.

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This night I dreamed that I died. It's pretty harsh to say that considering that it was only a dream. But it was more than just that. Once my life ended I went to the skies and saw my religion teacher. She isn't you-know-what, but she was still there, like an angel. She explained everything to me. Then I began to cry...

I was saying that I was too young to die, and that I have so many things that are worth of living, but she told me that there is no way to bring me back. So I've just let go myself and went up in the higher skies.

This dream taught me something. I should always think positive on bad events, even if they are really bad. Yesterday before I went to bed I've chatted with my friend on fb and told her that I almost feel that my life is not worth of living, that I was only created to make trouble.

The dream directed my thoughts on the opposite way. Life is worth of living, and we only have 1 life to enjoy.

This morning I woke up in tears and knowing that the dream was right. I've learned a lesson.

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Awww, its probably just a coincidence that you had a dream like that as you'd been talking about it just before you went to bed so sub-consciously you were still thinking about it as you went to sleep so this probably carried on into your dreams.
Try not to worry too much about it Lazar but its true we only have 1 life so we might aswell spend it as happily as we can because life is what we make it!
You shouldn't think that you're not worth living though because you deserve to be here and haven't done anything wrong, never think that you don't deserve to be alive!!! Hope you feel better soon : )

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CharlotteLouise wrote:
Awww, its probably just a coincidence that you had a dream like that as you'd been talking about it just before you went to bed so sub-consciously you were still thinking about it as you went to sleep so this probably carried on into your dreams.
Try not to worry too much about it Lazar but its true we only have 1 life so we might aswell spend it as happily as we can because life is what we make it!
You shouldn't think that you're not worth living though because you deserve to be here and haven't done anything wrong, never think that you don't deserve to be alive!!! Hope you feel better soon : )

Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful message. I still can't believe that a simple dream taught me something.

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Lazar wrote:
CharlotteLouise wrote:
Awww, its probably just a coincidence that you had a dream like that as you'd been talking about it just before you went to bed so sub-consciously you were still thinking about it as you went to sleep so this probably carried on into your dreams.
Try not to worry too much about it Lazar but its true we only have 1 life so we might aswell spend it as happily as we can because life is what we make it!
You shouldn't think that you're not worth living though because you deserve to be here and haven't done anything wrong, never think that you don't deserve to be alive!!! Hope you feel better soon : )

Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful message. I still can't believe that a simple dream taught me something.

My pleasure, you feeling better now then? I can see what you mean though, its like when people come close to loosing their life it makes them realise how precious life is and they learn to live it to the full so I guess it's a little like that?

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CharlotteLouise wrote:
Lazar wrote:
CharlotteLouise wrote:
Awww, its probably just a coincidence that you had a dream like that as you'd been talking about it just before you went to bed so sub-consciously you were still thinking about it as you went to sleep so this probably carried on into your dreams.
Try not to worry too much about it Lazar but its true we only have 1 life so we might aswell spend it as happily as we can because life is what we make it!
You shouldn't think that you're not worth living though because you deserve to be here and haven't done anything wrong, never think that you don't deserve to be alive!!! Hope you feel better soon : )

Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful message. I still can't believe that a simple dream taught me something.

My pleasure, you feeling better now then? I can see what you mean though, its like when people come close to loosing their life it makes them realise how precious life is and they learn to live it to the full so I guess it's a little like that?

Yes you are completely right. I feel much better now, thank you.

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Thank you Eleni!

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Lazar wrote:
CharlotteLouise wrote:
Lazar wrote:
CharlotteLouise wrote:
Awww, its probably just a coincidence that you had a dream like that as you'd been talking about it just before you went to bed so sub-consciously you were still thinking about it as you went to sleep so this probably carried on into your dreams.
Try not to worry too much about it Lazar but its true we only have 1 life so we might aswell spend it as happily as we can because life is what we make it!
You shouldn't think that you're not worth living though because you deserve to be here and haven't done anything wrong, never think that you don't deserve to be alive!!! Hope you feel better soon : )

Thank you Charlotte for your wonderful message. I still can't believe that a simple dream taught me something.

My pleasure, you feeling better now then? I can see what you mean though, its like when people come close to loosing their life it makes them realise how precious life is and they learn to live it to the full so I guess it's a little like that?

Yes you are completely right. I feel much better now, thank you.

Glad you feel better! congratulations

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Thank you Lazar. Smile

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i really wish i d see something like that and remember it

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