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About Spooky

  • Birthday 11/26/1991
  1. from 30 september playfish shut it down along with other games!!! I'm very sad and angry about it. And I thank god I didn't spend real money on that game. Only my valuable time was lost, all the player's efforts mean nothing to them. What is your opinion about this?
  2. I think it's playfish losing players that leads to this :/
  3. that's very nice of you, if I'm not too late may I ask for one too? I don't mind which one I have a potion collection
  4. no it's not only you hun! I played today for some time after doing nothing really during the summer in PS it's so sad. For me this happened because of the quality of the items and the boring visiting friends way to make money, don't get me wrong I love seeing other pets' houses but doing it all the time can be boring. Also in my opinion the last months the good items were mostly ccs. And the last hit to me, was the change in the loading system, so today was the only day I sat and played for hours in the whole summer!!!!! (Which is unbelievable because months ago I had to have all the new items every week ) I don't get excited about the items so much, only this week the birthday items made me say I reaalyyy want to have those (and the dark lord items as well) (aahh I now remembered I didn;t get the Snape doll -offtopic-) I was thinking earlier (when visiting and scrubing pets)(btw now visiting is more frustrating because of all the items loading in the same time) why not have a Science theme! I would love that as you said there are so many themes. And the bundles are boring and really expensive I don't buy them. I sometimes think that if I sit down and count the money I spend in PS I will go crazy and all that to see the game lose it's glory, it's so sad.
  5. OH god I didn't know that there was also a problem with food!!! Why don't they have us choose the way we want to log in, it really ruined the game for me
  6. Hey thank you hun XD
  7. There is probably some other topic about this, but I wasn't here for some time and I didn't find it . How do you feel about the new loading system. For me it was the worst thing they did. It's worse to have to wait for things to load all the time than to have to wait for some time before the game starts. I was like
  8. Hey all, how are you!!! I was in psfc when my exams were over, then the thing with the link of the forum happened I forgot my pass, and had other things to do and I didn't recover it So I am back now, How is everyone, did I miss anything?
  9. Spooky

    WTB Pink Bow

    oh yes Im so happy about it!!!
  10. it's okay really Im just saying :p @Yvette Spooky is overwhelmed with her bow she only thinks of it heheh @anastasia your "buti still love to "show off" " made me laugh so hard you re hilarious @steph Im so sorry I really didn't want to upset you I totally understand it s very difficult to choose one, personally I loved the vast majority of the rooms that have won. again it's no big deal ,Spooky is off competition
  11. I have decided I will never win so I don't enter anymore hahahah Nice job Anastasia!!!
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