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Lucky Strike

I'm soooo bored today...

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For some reason i feel completely bored.. An i mean seriously bored... I don't want to go out or get dressed.. I'm almost ored of speaking... I played all i could on pirates ahoy but i'm bored to do visits in ps.. Internet has nothing interesting and non-boring... I'm ever bored to say that i'm bored!!! And i think this is by far the most boring/uselles/random/OT/you want to hit me thread ever in the history of psfc...

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I get like that a lot lol

best thing to do is turn the music up, and sing along...well thats what I do anyway lol x

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o really cuz im in a different time zone so if you count gmt time i go on waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past midnight!

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I'm trying gaia's chest comp Laughing
and i have nooooo clue for 2, 3 and 4... Ashamed but i still have days to figurite out!!! congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

why some days are soooo boring?? and others... well on others the 24 hours are not enough!!!!! Laughing

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I re-decorate my PS rooms when I'm bored, so I end spending money that wasn't suppose to be spent Laughing

This afternoon, my hubby and I were watching Fringe together, so it was not boring at all We love watching TV series congratulations

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blastertoyo wrote:
o I said that cuz you said it was too early for u and it's like 12:29pm here

now it's about that time Ashamed

Ursula wrote:
I re-decorate my PS rooms when I'm bored, so I end spending money that wasn't suppose to be spent Laughing

This afternoon, my hubby and I were watching Fringe together, so it was not boring at all We love watching TV series congratulations

i've only seen the 1st season of fringe congratulations i like it Smile
well atleast it did me some good this boredom... I learn to make a few things with photoediting programs.. congratulationscongratulationscongratulations

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