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Lucky Strike

How on eeeeeeeearth??????????????

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Do you remove backround from a pic with gimp????????????????????

I'm trying for HOURS to just have a plain pic of a GBM ONLY (with no backround) and it's impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know i'm a complete dissaster with that but i'm desperate!!!!! how do you do it???????

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not sure about gimp hun, but if you pm it to me now then I'll remove the background for you xx

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I usually create a new transparent layer, erase all others and paste things into that transparent one. Then I erase what I want, selecting by colour. Remember to save it in a format that admits transparences, like png.

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i know ur done, but you can also do it this way:
1. right click layer and click "add alpha channel
then use the wand too to delete all the junk u dont want

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