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BIG Cats free!

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I am thinking to give up my BIG cats. They are in Yard 2 with one biggish one (Lemon Bars) in yard 3. I have...
  • "Iridides" - a Catzilla, purebred (female)
    "Garibaldi" - an "almost" Catzilla - Red-orange, Red spots with black stripes, red eyes, does flips (male)
    "Aquavelvet" - Aqua, with orange and white stripes and black spots, green eyes (male)
    "Spike" - Pale cream, with white stripes and black spots, green eyes (male) and one of my favs!
    "Mulberry" - Purple, black spots, turquoise eyes (male)
    "Rootbeer" - Brown, black spots, purple eyes (male) dances, digs for presents
    "Olive" - Olive green, red spots,, turquoise eyes (male)
    "Bones" - Fluffy,light & dark pink and blue, glitch eyes (male)

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I have found that younger players really love the big cats. Several of my neighbors always want the big cats for their kids' accounts.

I wonder why that is? Smile

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I have a couple I am going to keep a good long time - especially Montana the mountain of cat! because she was a SB with a mean neighbor who usually rejects em all 8D

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