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Tiddly Winks

For owners of Coop, Dino Den and Stable

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You can now get a new room if you own the Chicken Coop, Dino Den, or Horse Stable. That means room for up to 24 pets.

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That is great, 3 new rooms in a row and they have a nice deco
:tree: Only thing I really want now is rush back

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
You can now get a new room if you own the Chicken Coop, Dino Den, or Horse Stable. That means room for up to 24 pets.

wow i will wish i have the finished now but im not have finish it yet so sad realy need many intims to finish it still

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You can still finish them, the gifts are still available to send. Just post what you are needing and let us try and help you out. I have been very lax with this, but it's becuase real life has been really taking its toll on me.

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