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Spamming in the game

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Frontierville want you to spam non game playing friends to complete a task ...how low is that. As was said in the FV forum WE DO NOT WORK FOR THEM ....
I for one won't be doing this ...I do have a few horseshoes accumulated and will have to use them to complete the task but it is so wrong of them to do it this way and if it carries on I may not continue playing it

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I feel the same!

To complete Zynga quests you constantly have to ask your friends for help, sending you items and such. But not being able to complete tasks unless we recruite friends to the game is just plain wrong Sad

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I get MANY request per day (even hours!) to become neighbor or to send something! I don't play those games! (frontierville ville i think is not EVEn open and farmville is for 2-3 friends that needed a neighbor!)

many times i even get pm's! if it's someone i know or care fine.. I may do it it's ok.. but from people i see 1-2 times every semester NO!!!

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