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Happy pre-Friday!

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Hi!!! One day left and it will be friday!

How is going your week? I've had a lot of cleaning to do and I discovered what lives below the furniture... tons of dust!!!
I've had a lot of family issues too: my mun has been ill, so I tought I should visit her, but now she's better and she doesn't want me to travel so many hours to do that. My dad is sad too because a car run over his favourite cat. But not all news are bad... My best friend is having a baby!!! I wish I could be with her congratulations

How about you? Smile

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awww im sorry about the cat hun xxxx

Im in a cheerful mood today congratulations my medication isnt effecting me as much now so i had a lovely sleep. I had a walk down the shops before and I couldnt believe how heavy my body felt! LMAO

Im just going to rest for a bit now and watch some of my fav tv programs congratulations

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Happy Pre-Friday!
My, that sounds sooo good! I am counting down towards tomorrow, right after class. Been having laryingits last week, today I got up with yet another sore throat, which I hope is from fatigue. I've had a very busy week and am just looking forward until tomorrow afternoon (after my last class for this week), so I can just catch up with things I recorded and rest. My weekend will be crowded as well, as we have a surprise party planned for my mother-in-law, so I'll be out all weekend again.

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