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For mummys out there?

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Just a question on teething troubles. My son is nearly 9 months, and he's been teething since 3 and a half months, was wondering if anybody could give me any advice on what to use for his gums & if he's been teething for all this time, when they will come through? My sons gums are all white, his has little cuts in both his bottom gums, and his cheeks are so red all the time!

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I'm not a mum but I have seen some stuff in the US called Baby Orajel, which is designed for babies who are teething. Maybe check with your local pharmasist for some suggestions. They might know of some products that are good.

Best of luck to you and your child.

Welcome to PSFC. Smile

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i do understand what you feel now, we parents, should cope with it with love, understanding and patience as this period does not last long. Teething sometimes influenced by inheritance. The first tooth usually comes through near the 6th months, the teeth appears in a certain order. There have been some cases of newborn babies that are born with some teeth already through, while others may remain toothless by the age of 14 months. But both cases are normal and they have nothing to do with the baby's physical or mental development but are due to inheritance.

I was same like you also with my 1stdaughter, i go check online if i have some questions regarding teething troubles. When she wants to bite or chew something, give her something crunchy and relatively hard. You can help easing the pain by rubbing the baby's gums with your index finger and applying on them some kind of special gel (like Orajel) for teething troubles. Try to give your baby also some cold teething ring to bite (there are special toys for this purpose) which can be kept in the fridge, but do not freeze them bcoz the baby runs the risk of suffering from getting burned.

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Here in the UK I think you can still buy 'Bonjela Teething Gel' which is meant to help with teething in babies from 2 months : ) so maybe it's worth a try asking a pharmacist about that

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