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Lucky Strike

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol!

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I read this book yesterday! And there is somethng i'd like to say.. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's an amazing book and let me tell you that nothing you saw on the tv goes even near it! (the latest tim burton film has almost nothing to do with the actual story) It's amazing how did he turned blubbering and crazyness into a GREAT book!!!!

If any of you have read it do you have any comments??

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I havent read this for years!! I love it as well. One of the many books that is a classic for a reason. Will be getting Jadine reading it as soon as she is old enough

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! I'm reading the next book of Alice now "through the looking glass". It's nice.. I prefer the other one though but i still haven't finished it so i cannot have a full opinion. Have you read that by any chance?

And yes.. Classics are classics for a reason.. It's only sad that some authors (like Poe) will never considered classics even though countless of people are reading them..

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