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Lucky Strike

Visits! :D

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Well.. As you know I hadn't been doing any visits at all! But I found the perfect way to get motivated!

I don't go to everyone on my list anymore but i only search for people i know and i wold like to post them a box!

Ok sometimes i visit more but that is because i'm talking on the phone with nothing better to do

I find it a loooooot easier! I will definatly post to people that send back or to people i exchange gifts often or once in a while!

I found again the point of dear friends in my list! And i'm also thankfull for all thiose that leave their pets dirty! An extra 100 coins is not bad! congratulations I also try to kleave my pet dirty.. When i hit 5 flies i wash up and here we go again! congratulations

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I swear I try to let Ursula have flies around, but... I just can't see her dirty >.< Most times, after she has the first one, I forget it and clean her.

Sigh. Poor Ursula.

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Lucky Strike wrote:
Well.. As you know I hadn't been doing any visits at all! But I found the perfect way to get motivated!

I don't go to everyone on my list anymore but i only search for people i know and i wold like to post them a box!

Ok sometimes i visit more but that is because i'm talking on the phone with nothing better to do

I find it a loooooot easier! I will definatly post to people that send back or to people i exchange gifts often or once in a while!

I found again the point of dear friends in my list! And i'm also thankfull for all thiose that leave their pets dirty! An extra 100 coins is not bad! congratulations I also try to kleave my pet dirty.. When i hit 5 flies i wash up and here we go again! congratulations

lol so do i clean them all

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I clean them all, but the flies swarming constantly around Tiddly Winks hurts my eyes. I know that sounds really bad, but it's true. Since my eyes are always moving, I can't handle too many moving graphics. It gives me a headache, so for that reason, Tiddly Winks is usually a very clean pet.

So's her brother, which is rather strange since boys like dirt. Hehehee.

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Xavier is a clean pet. He does not like flies and he does not like poo. He does not want to visit friends who have poo in their house. He is very afraid of stepping into it.

It is tedious having to clean the pet so often. Xavier washes at night and in the morning he has another fly. Sometimes he washes himself, sometimes he has the robot at his friend's house give him a shower.

Even if he could earn more coins cleaning dirty friends, he prefers to come into a clean house with clean pets and no poo.

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