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Looking for 2011 57 Chevy Regular , 2010 $uper Gangster Grin... Update

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Yo Playazzz...

As the Title above read.. im looking for those items listed....

Looking for:-

3 x Reg Ford GTX
3 x Reg Gangster Grin

2 x Reg 57 Chevy (2011)
1 x $uper Gangster Grin

What i have for trade now:-

2011 Thunt Reg 58 Impala
2010 Thunt Baja Bug ( Trade with 2011 57 Chevy only)

Those who has $uper Gangster Grin please PM your want list.

Please do drop me a PM if you have any of those listed above and we can work out a deal.


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itu yg shakz looking for la bro, bkn yg dia ada.. ish ish..
btw bro shakz, GG reg nnt aku pass.. tp lmbt lagi lar, tggu dtg tganu nnt baru bleh pass, Smile

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jhc7598 wrote:
itu yg shakz looking for la bro, bkn yg dia ada.. ish ish..
btw bro shakz, GG reg nnt aku pass.. tp lmbt lagi lar, tggu dtg tganu nnt baru bleh pass, Smile

Din okay no rush can wait nye....thx

enyomic wrote:
why never call me? sleeping ah

Call you 2x no answer...

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