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Would like to ask for help please

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Hello friends. It's been a while since I last log on. Razz

I would like to ask for help to find and get hold of another member, cham2020/Evolution Miniatures, who used to be on this forum too. He doesn't answer his handphone(s) and seems to block/unanswer me on facebook too. I commissioned one Datsun 510 from him previously (actually beginning of the year), and he is still holding my car. At least, I want to get an answer from him, face-to-face.

I hope I can get help from here, as all my efforts have failed. Cheers.

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wow sorry to hear that... this is the first time i hear a complain about cham2020. he is also MIA from this forum... have you paid him already? did u pass the car to custom to him? or u just waiting for him to pass it to u?

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I just dunno why I can't contact him. Or rather why he's avoiding me. If I can't get back the car, at least an answer would be nice.

And yes, I paid him already. He already customized the car, but there was a slight error, so it went back to him for fixing.

Then he went totally MIA, and I have not been able to contact him since.

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For the record, I have commissioned a coupla cars from him. All were good quality customs, he delivered on time, I was satisfied, & paid him too. It was all hassle free, and honestly I have no qualms about cham2020.

But since he went MIA, along with my Datsun 510, he's been out of reach. It's just..... weird, ya know?

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alamak itu macam ka... well i hope we can help u... will ask him "IF" see him...

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When you ask " Dewa " to do , you been required to have that " Dewa Time " too... behalf of him i hope you understand.

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Dear moderators,

Please close this thread. The case is closed.

And if anybody is still on good talking terms with "God/Dewa", please tell "God/Dewa" that he does not need to return the 510! And he does not need to "Contact Me" anymore! And I promise I will NEVER contact him again!

The end.

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