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New Mystery Items Released 17/07/09

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New Mystery Items Released 17/07/09

Darkness Descends

Hey Pet Society fans! It’s that time of week again, where “?” leaves us wondering what he’s hidden now. Sirius paid a visit to the Mystery Store earlier, to buy a few boxes, and to see if she could get any information from “?” about what might be on the cards this week. As usual, he wasn’t giving too much away, but he did mutter a few things, however they seem rather cryptic:

So sign on to Pet Society on Facebook, and see if you can work out the clues, as these items are now hidden in Mystery Boxes! (We will update this in a few days with images.)

There is one more thing that you should be aware of, and that is that your light switches are now functional! Simply click the light switch to have your pet turn the lights off or on – if you do leave your light switch on the ground, your pet will interact with it automatically.

Just a couple of things to note, if you leave a room and return to it, the lights will be on (not matter how you left them). Also, when using the photo feature, even when taking a photo with the lights off, the photo will still appear bright (the camera has a very good flash).

Please note that this update is for the Facebook version of the game only. The MySpace and Bebo versions of the game have not changed at this stage.

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That sheep is so cute!!!But it would be better without the round horns..

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:recourse2: Sheep respect ? i luv it :dance4:, i want it and the table it's ok

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I love the sheep as well. I've managed to get the banner, but I usually never get the new items untll they've been out for about a week!

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the sheep is so cute. i saw it in some ppls houses today.
and i really like that the light switches are functional now. way cool!

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Cool! I get the sheep! it is so cute! I hope I get more

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i got the sheep and the banner.....still waitin for the table.... Smile

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Hi.. Im only a newbie here..^_^..
this f0rum is really interesting.. I already have the sheep and i want to trade it for the banner.? Can any0ne help me to find one?

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hiya yellowbell welcome to the group

if you are after a banner you will need to put a post in the facebeek trading /looking for thread....

can you please add your facebook link....its part of the groups rules

thanks xx

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i already got it... i already post my facebook link....
my pet is under maintenance....why is it that i cant open my account in pet society??? how sad...i really miss my pet.....

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