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Approval of Article 13 (17). Is it the end of the Internet? What will be the measures taken by large companies?

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Approval of Article 13 (17). Is it the end of the Internet? What will be the measures taken by large companies?

   Article 13, now Article 17, was adopted with 347 votes in favor, 275 against and 36 abstentions.
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Approval of Article 13 (17). Is it the end of the Internet? What will be the measures taken by large companies?

   The end of freedom of expression on the Internet in the European Union or the necessary regulation for the fair compensation of artists and journalists?
   Article 17 (better known as Article 13) has been approved and may bring several issues.
   According to Article 31 of the Directive, this Directive shall enter into force only 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (the equivalent of the Portuguese Republic Gazette). However, before that, it has yet to go through a final vote. But was not this the last? No. It is still necessary to be approved by the Council of the European Union, where representatives of the governments of the Member States meet. As Manuel Lopes Rocha, PLMJ's lawyer and copyright expert, explains, "it is not credible that it does not pass [in this vote] because it results from an agreement" (the directive was also proposed by this Council).
   As a MEP of the Pirate Party Julia Reda, who was one of the main protagonists of the demonstration, the vote has been revoked. However, since there is an agreement between France and Germany, and other countries should not change their position, a vote will be more of a formality. After that, the following is posted: If the decision-making process is carried out from May 23 to 26, the decision-making process is the same as the decision-making process.
   Apparently, some companies like Google are already thinking about paying the "artists" ...
   Is this the end of the internet? And the beginning of a dictatorship?

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