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£77 million of bike test centres scrapped

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Finally they have seen sense Laughing what a waste of money... feel sorry for everybody that had to do the two parter censored heads

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about time complete waste of money i dont know why we always have to dance to brussells tune finally someones seen sense. thumbs

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thank god for that. what a complete and utter load of bollocks that new test was. glad I never had to do it myself!

itchy, if I understand correctly, the reason we had offroad test centres is because we joined some EU regulations whereby certain manouveres (such as the emergency stop) had to be tested at something like 50kph (cos its european) which translated in to something like 31 or 32mph (something we didnt realise until after we'd agreed to take part. Obviously these manouvers couldnt be done on our roads since our speed limit is 30mph. hence the building of the offroad centres.

this is what i remember reading anyway. please put me straight if im wrong.

anyway, im glad to see the back of it Smile

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And why are cars treated differently... Surely the emergency stop in a car should be done at 32mph which would need to be done off road??

Wonder if all the people who failed or worse got injured trying to take the euro swerve test have a claim??? Not that I am into compensation claiming for the hell of it but someone in government needs to be brought to book.

Once again euro laws are made and motorcyclists are never consulted....

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