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B&Q £30

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youve really got the polishing bug now rich Laughing

Actually got it to chop my mud guard back, but it will come in handy for all sorts. Very Happy

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Less than that in Argos... and I picked up a big kit of extra fittings in Lidl for a fiver before xmas. Love my dremel-type-tool... mind them cutting discs though, fragile as you like... make sure you've got long sleeves on when you do the cutting too, found that one out the hard way Laughing

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them bendy things dont last long either the inner wire is like a speedo cable and they shear Sad

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Shocked I am sooooo going to get my eyes tested when i read the title i thought it said BBQ so when looking at the pic i was trying to decide if it was a cleaner for the barbie or a lighter (i dont know anything about polishing tools ) Shocked

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