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Few pics from todays meet in Quatford

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Me, Trebor, Hawki, Stoner, Darkember, Day101..

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Great pics Stue, whos the Adonis on the far right, think ive met him before somewhere.... lol!
Your bikes a cracker m8, think you dropped on a gud 1 there m8, thumbs

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Thanks Rob means a lot, as for the guy on the far right i havent a clue affraidhide ps dont forget to load up the pics thumbs

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well p*ssed off, had to finish my chicken run then go get some chooks, chuffin place was closed
could have come anyway

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ITCHY wrote:
well p*ssed off, had to finish my chicken run then go get some chooks, chuffin place was closed
could have come anyway

U missed a gud 1 m8, get yourself on the next 1, may 20 th, we riding to Daves neck of the woods. thumbs

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Crap pics hope you all had a shit time finger ...............................

Jealous as can be head bang glad you all had a fab time thumbs

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was great to meet you all had a great day chatting Smile cant wait for the next one Very Happythumbs

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great pics and nice bikes,i went up hartside today the place was heaving and i forgot my camera. Sad

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nice one,bikes are looking well the bandits that is lol!

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U missed a gud 1 m8, get yourself on the next 1, may 20 th, we riding to Daves neck of the woods.

Weekend of nightshifts

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man up and get some nuts who needs sleep lol!

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