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downloading photos to comp?

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ive got a load of bike pics i took today and my daughters working so been trying to upload them myself to comp then to photobucket and vice versa ive tried for a couple hours and getting nowhere anyone got any tips? cheers. head bang

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pc or mac? do u have an sd card slot or are u using a sandisk usb reader? basically either way plug it into you're comp and transfer the files to your're pc either str8 to desktop or any photo editing soft watre u have eg photoshop, light room or apture. once there on there and saved you can select the files easily on photo bucket to get them on there, getting them off there to a different pc however takes a bit longer as you have to do them individually.

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thanks lads,i forgot to press the menu button on the camera Embarassed ive somehow downloaded them so ill have a go at photobucket now study windows vista by the way and yeah it is shite.

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I guess you are trying to take them directly from the camera?
I would suggest *not* using any camera-style software cum picture manager, just open your computer's file manager (Windows-Windows Explorer, Linux-Nautilus etc.) navigate to the cameras memory card, select all the pics, edit/copy[1] or right-click/copy, navigate back to your hard drive, create a new directory[2] (say c:\My Documents\Photos\Pix from this bloody camera) and paste the copied files into that directory.

If you then wish to play with the pics with photoshop/Gimp/whatever, open them from the new directory rather than edit while on the cameras memory card and it will be much quicker this way.

Again, if you are using photobucket etc. upload the relevant pics from your new directory.

[1] You could also use 'cut' but I tend to go for copy until I'm sure that they have transferred OK, then just block delete the memory card.
[2] or 'folder' in Windows-speak.

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have u instaled your camera software drivers on your pc? if not windows wont recognize the camera?

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cheers folks sussed it now but the computer crashed so ill try later thumbs

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