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ok need help on new project.

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right want to buy something else to do after i finish the kawasaki cafe racer project, choice is limited to budget as i tend to throw alot of money at rebuilding them but dont want to pay alot for them. max budget is around £500

im torn between a honda cx500
something like these

and a yamaha xs500

im kind of swaying towards the xs as its chain drive not shaft.

and am very much being persuaded into it by this website


i dont have any idea which bike is better or which have more faults so some of you (*ahem*) older gentlemen might know?

oh if you can think of any that you think i may like by all means post them up as these are the only 2 that have "caught my eye" so to speak.

Thanks for your help applauseapplauseapplause

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cant comment on the bikes mark,what about the z750 or a gs thumbs

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I cant help ya in that respect but ile look forward to whatever project u decide to do Very Happythumbs

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I had a cx500!! - it was the custom model but I took the up and overs off and put a set of rxs100 bars on, it pulled very well, shed loads of torque for a 500!!, the only iffy bit with them was they had a rep for eating camchain tensioners mine did go through one while I had it but other than that it was fine and I'm sure that honda came up with a fix for it eventually. don't know about the xs500 I'm afraid, but I'm sure whichever you go for it will be fun!! thumbs

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cx is a nice bike later models sorted the cam chain cant help with years though,the xs is a good bike avoid the 750 too heavy and low on poke and look at the 850 even yamaha said they got it right a cracking bike, suzi gs650/ gs850 shaft drive? my choice would be the gs1000 thumbs

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