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This would annoy the neighbors

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Rolls Royce Griffon Mk 58 Engine being fired up

Sounds nice though, I want one thumbs

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i reckon that would wake my teenage daughter in the morning Laughingthumbs

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i read in MCN in Guy Martins column a few weeks back, that he was look'in for an engine outa Mosquito, a Griffin engine i think...
you cant beat the noise of these engines from ww2 aircraft i worked in the aviation industry for over 10yrs as as instructor and get'in to see them up close was a real privelage...tho tbh ive bugger all interest in aircraft..gimmie 2 wheels anytime

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It interests me how the hell do you work out the ignition timing on so many pots?

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tbh i dont think it'd be to hard most of the engines had mechanical fuel injection , the german meschershmitts had injection plus a supercharger ,timing wise its much like an american v8

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My first army unit still had centurion ARV's which have a rolls royce meteor engine - basically a merlin engine without the supercharger and they ran through a (bloody huge!) carburettor rather than using fuel injection.
Used to sound frickin awesome when we had the engines out on a run-up stand for testing, made the ground shake too!! thumbs

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