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frigging bikes!

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clutch cable went 10 miles from home today. was a interesting ride home. like riding a kangaroo on speed, while it kept stalling

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stu thats harsh! i was just gunna say it was the rider Surprised

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well his bike is off the road lmao!!! hes got an expensive bill to sort. and new one orderd hope its here asap.

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Well done for riding back with no clutch a lot of skill and judgement needed there Chad well done thumbs Ive known many to call out break down for that.What bike is it you need the cable for.

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600 bandit. orderd one. £12! lol.

and yeh 2 stalls one was a hill start. but got it going on the starter motor, and other wa swhen it snapped lol.

other wise just alot of bouncing and cruntching

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Good job Smile I was going to say what about grafting the virgo cable on for now ? any way not long untill you get 1200 Bandit hydraulic Clutch nice.

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1200 Bandits do not have clutch cables :)Go get one soon !

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