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Read this with your best Glasgow accent

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You know those sort of teenagers who rule the estates, streetwise, frightened of absolutely nothing. Well Social Services decided that a load of them needed a wee break so sent a busload of them off to Longleat Safari Park from their homes in Glasgow.
They duly arrived and were told at the gate to stay on the bus at all costs even if the vehicle broke down as help would soon arrive.
So they went in and halfway round, the bus did break down.
They sat for half an hour waiting then one yeenager said, "f**k this, Ah'm gonnae hae a smoke."
The driver told him and the others there was no smoking allowed on the bus so they clambered off despite warnings from the driver about wild animals etc.
About a dozen of them were grouped around some bushes smoking away when two Land Rovers screamed up with lights flashing and horns blaring and the wardens roared at them throigh bullhorns to "Get back on the bus, there are lions just over the other side of those bushes."

The ringleader eyed them through a cloud of smoke and said calmly,

"We're no' touchin' yer fuckin' lions." finger

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