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London Emissions

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26 quid a day from January to take old van into London (dont know what certifies an old van )

200 quid for old. Bus truck or mini bus perday .... Fknel boris ,,,, stamp them old smokers out mate.

So if u are an old smoker u better quit now ,, sure other citys will follow suit ?

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@XS1100 wrote:
26 quid a day from January to take old van into London (dont know what certifies an old van )

Registered before 01/01/2002, and over 1.2 tonnes, unless it is one of the early Euro 3 compliant ones:
Nissan Primastar
Vauxhall Vivaro
Ford Transit (from July 2000)
Renault Trafic (From September 2001)

But these also must appear as a compliant vehicle on the TFL registration checker here: https://lowemissionzone.tfl.gov.uk/b/pb/lezComplianceProvideVRM.faces?referrer=lez

Personally I don't really mind, because going anywhere inside the M25 causes me to come out in a rash, get headaches and generally hope that a stray asteroid lands on the stinking armpit of humanity that is London-shire.

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