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Suzuki Dealership conversation

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I overheard a conversation in a Suzuki dealership show room the other week went some thing like this,I later thought That I had seen the very same bike not far from where I live small world init!
Salesman: Hi there. We understand you want to buy a motorcycle
Customer.: That is correct.
Salesman: Well we make motorcycle's. Good ones. Fast and reliable. Let me just show you this. Look at this bike. This is the a Suzuki. Or the B king as we like to call her. Isn't she beautiful. Yep. She sure is beautiful. Designed by the same man who designed the
famous Suzuki Hyabusa. It's the finest fair-weather motorcycle on the market. You won't find a better one at the price. Or any price for that matter
Customer.: Yes, it's very nice. But I need a Bike for Touring, Racing,Knee sliding, Posing,Stand up wheelies and Polishing. Not just a fair-weather motorcycle.
Salesman: Well that's O.K. We can make some modifications. It'll cost a little extra, but it's worth it. Just look at the shape of this beauty... Look I tell you what we'll do. We'll redesign the bike. Right. And instead of just calling it the B KING. We'll call it the D KING .
Customer.: D?

Salesman: Yeah. D. D for Dave.

Customer.: D for Dave eh.

Salesman: Uh huh. D for Dave.

Customer: Hmmmmm. this I am enjoying I will buy one !

And I left with a tear in my eye. Sad

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cant imagine dave hutchings riding like that. still wish i could go in and just buy a bike. know someone who does. litrally closes his eyes and touches a bike for his next. rich bitch

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