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me and the wife took the dog to the vets tonight fearing the worst as she is a 14 year old labrador with a nasty cough and panting non stop also she has hip problems ;the vet said theres no way i can put her down as she is so full of life and interested in things so theyve put her on tramedol god knows what itll cost cos the vets computer was down but it doesnt matter cos weve got her back home again I love you

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Thats really nice to hear Stan sod the exspense, I took mine and came back on me own devo never though she was so bad, that was a couple year ago still pissed off.

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nice one in no how hard it can be after having dogs for over 25 years . glad she is back home

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Glad shes back home Stan, i love me dog and i'd be lost without him, censored the expense mate im sure youll be ok give em love from me thumbs

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