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Broke down today :(

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So, I finished my FLT test this morning, obviously no way I was going back to work, so I decided to get my ZZR out of storasge. Fired up OK, battery sounded a bit tired but I figured a bit of a ride would pep it up. Then I made the mistake of stopping at the ATM & switching off Embarassed sure enough flat as witch's tit! As luck would have it my neighbour passed by as I was removing the battery, so got it on charge, wife nipped me down tonight so it's now safe & sound on the Optimiser as we speak, as it were. But what a plonker! EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed

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@Davehutch wrote:
bet thats a bit like driving the fork lift hide

Actually Dave it did feel a bit of a barge after a few weeks on the VFR, but that power! You'll understand the more you use the King then get the Bandit out. Smile

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@Davehutch wrote:
bet thats a bit like driving the fork lift hide

Actually Dave it did feel a bit of a barge after a few weeks on the VFR, but that power! You'll understand the more you use the King then get the Bandit out. Smile
thumbs noticed just that to day

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