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XS1100 do hardknott pass (lake district)

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Great clip,I love riding them roads I find them a great challenge and bring out yer riding skills,That's the type of road I like to find when I am in Mid Wales narrow twisty serious steep hairpins and loads of loose stuff piled up in the middle add some rain and a few loose sheep.... Very Happy Any one can go fast in a straight line how slow can you go with out puting yer feet down.

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@XS1100 wrote:
Great clip,I love riding them roads I find them a great challenge and bring out yer riding skills,That's the type of road I like to find when I am in Mid Wales narrow twisty serious steep hairpins and loads of loose stuff piled up in the middle add some rain and a few loose sheep.... Very Happy Any one can go fast in a straight line how slow can you go with out puting yer feet down.

im with you there gaz,i love that kinda riding thumbs

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