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Happy Thanksgiving 2011

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Happy Thanksgiving 2011
To our members across the pond have a great day !Gaz thumbs

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Right I'm not from across the pond, and don't know what thanksgiving is about ? Or is it just another made up excuse to eat loads (Chad !!) n get pi.... er I mean Drunk just like at crimbo ? Twisted Evil

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Right I'm not from across the pond, and don't know what thanksgiving is about ? Or is it just another made up excuse to eat loads (Chad !!) n get pi.... er I mean Drunk just like at crimbo ? Twisted Evil

Believe its something to do with native Americans, and todays Americans having a peace meal or something similar

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History Lesson #2
So another reason to get Drunk & Stuff ya face thumbs
Not sure why History Lesson #1 was on Christian Answers.net, I'm pretty sure Native Americans wasn't Christians but i could be wrong as religion aint my strong point

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