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Happy s@@@ding xmas

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Postman just called with a hand full of christmas cards and bloody great tax bill from inland revenue how sweet Sad

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I like going down the post office and watch the postmaster hand out 100s of pounds to the chavs that do sod all then may be at lunch time call in the local pub for a pint and a cheese and onion cob where low and be hold all my tax money is being spent on beer fags and a round of pool.and to rub it in there smoking Rothmans and Bensons at 7.50 a pack nice.................

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@XS1100 wrote:
Postman just called with a hand full of christmas cards and bloody great tax bill from inland revenue how sweet Sad

Shouldn't make so much profit dude Laughing perhaps you need a better accountant. And what the chavs take pales into insignificance compared to the cost of our military adventures and what the banks have taken from us. Makes me equally annoyed when I see my tax being spent on bombing some poor unfortunate Arab somewhere or other, etc etc.....live & let live I reckon. Laughing

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