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put the battery in

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today thinking i would do a short ride in the sun but after a few hundred meters it was to too much ice so i turn back home SadLaughing

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I have done the same a few times through our winters, but I wont put them away with out washing them to get the salt off, so I realy think about now before i go out

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dont blame you m8, where my bikes kept the roads got sheet ice either side so im going nowhere Sad

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from the gsxr forum well bad

well sun was shining so thought I would take the bike out for a spin up to westgate road to pick up some bits and pieces to carry out a oil change etc
got about 10mile up the road and decided to turn around as roads greasy as hell
that was the second mistake that day the first being going out in the first place
coming back past hallgarth manor on the right hand bend lost the front
next thing i'm seeing road,sky,road,sky.road,grass
bike ends up about 100yds away from me and from the bits I can see all over the road it's worse of than me
i'm lying face down on the grass verge and every time i try and sit up or turn over I'm in agony
couple of cars stop one is a off duty paramedic who basically tells me to lie still the ambulance is on the way
I'm asking how my bike is she tells me to concentrate on myself
Police and paramedic turn up followed by ambulance put on a spinal board etc taken to hospital
x rayed looks like I have a couple of fractured ribs and they tell me I will be covered in bruises in the next couple of days
I'm given a couple of pain killers and told if I delevelop any breathing difficulty's or swelling in the abdomen to ring my doctor?? and sent on my way
I'm aching from the tips of my hair to my toe nails.roll on the next couple of days

this was not me by the way but as said now is not a good time to go out

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roll on spring thats when mine will come out thumbsthumbs

roads are far to slippery at the moment

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Hoooo No sorry to hear that Sad I think pay out is quite quick these days,
Hey 20 year ago you would have picked the bike up and rode it back home. The times I rode home with bent bars and levers.........Hope you feeling better soon Gaz

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sounds nasty m8 feel for the guy Sad my mot's in march and ill be getting new hoops fitted im dreading taking the bike home as there are two really tight roundabouts just up from the garage i just hope the weathers ok by then if not the mot can wait.

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my mot is march for both my bikes , and the project bike will be then i think also . crap day in Bristol today as most of the UK i think . still lot better then last year

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@madsod wrote:
my mot is march for both my bikes , and the project bike will be then i think also . crap day in Bristol today as most of the UK i think . still lot better then last year

your right there garry,bit frosty this week lets hope it doesnt last thumbs

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