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I know its only speculation and take it with a pinch of salt. I gonna make my own predictions for the future of Moto GP and SBK

1. More Spanish riders taking Moto GP rides and the rest demoted to CRT or
second rate teams
2. SBK to BT Sport as Dorna gets greedy
3. Britain to gradually lose all Moto GP and SBK events so the series
becomes resident in the Rest of Europe or America
4. Pol Espagaro to take Rossi's or Dani's ride, Smith out at the end of his
contract and Pols brother Aleix to get a vacant factory/satellite seat.

Didnt like Stoner as a person but he saw the writing on the wall and predicted the Dorna dirty tricks brigade. Wouldnt surprise me if VR didnt jack at the end of his contract and go and race or rally cars

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Dorna have a big say in folk getting rides too...its always been secret as to who goes were and so on...just think about this one....stoner didnt want crt as did alot of other hardcore fans like myself...qualifying was the big moan having slower bikes infront...then stoner buggas off and hey presto they change the qualifying format mmmm LaughingLaughing my predictions are...well i say mine but not totally true as i have good friends in gps Laughing

Cal = rossi's ride when retired..
Laughing if pedrosa dosent beat his team mate he will go...
Bradl is still struggleing with the front end...so if he doesn't perform he will go .... cant really say who would get what as no one knows...but all i will say is that our Scott Redding with a bit of luck will become #1 this season then hes got a great shout at a good ride next season thumbsthumbs

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