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had a little mini heart attack!

person i got my bike off lied about a couple of thing like the cracked wheel but its niggles i can live with.

however the bloke who won the bike left a deposit but was taking weeks to collect left feedback saying bike stolen.

i was like uh oh another trip to wales to deal with this.

but did my 3rd hpi after first not showing cat c as i was told cat d. but this 3rd one says the same no stolen record etc. and my chassis numbers and engine numbers match the log book.

so hoping hes done it in anger.

everything seems legit my end.

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on ebay the bloke who beat me to the auction but didnt collect left bad feedback saying the bike was stolen and deposit wasnt refunded.

but my bikes coming up clean on the hpi and i have the log book.

seems strange.

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yeah all numbers match.

was just a mini panic.

also found a wheel for £210 but need to find an extra £100, so see what i can sell, like the 2 land rover wheels in my van haha

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not cheap m8

yeah if everything matches and its coming back clear I wouldn't worry - the guys probs just pissed off thumb down

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yeah he worked abroad and the bloke i got the bike from was told 2 weeks not 6

and thats cheap, next cheapest is £465

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Depends on who you did the HPI check with - I've stopped using the cheapo ones now as I've probably had roughly 40% of them come back 'wrong' in the last couple of years. The 3 quid text check ones aren't worth a w*** either.

If you got it done with one of the major ones (HPI, RAC, Experian etc) then believe that one mate.

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I did one and nothing came up so bought it and then text checked and cat c was told d. Ill do genuine hpi check later

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