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Lucky Strike

1 deer plushie mono gia elines apo greek corner!!!

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edw imaste...

lipon.. profanos to elafaki ine dwrean gia opion/a bri mia kali idea gia na ginume pio active!!!

kai ne exw 3emini apo idees! afto pou egw 8elw na kanume ine na ginume active opws palia!

an dw pws iparxi adapokrisi 8a sinexisw kai me alous (profanws e3ipnoterous kai kalous diagenismous (opws sudokousudokou me adikimena, staurole3a, alou tipou diagwnismous ktl.. )) diagwnismous.. oso gia ta brabia min anisixite! olo kai kati 8a briskw! (e.. dn milaw kai gia mikrulia.. alla pada omorfa)

an dw pws iparxun panw apo mia kales idees tote 8a dwsw stous ipolipous kai apo 1 bat doll!!

lipon! ade na doume ti 8a doume! kali epitixia!!! (parakalw poli o,ti protinete na ine efikto! congratulations )

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kalispera!!!! auto pou 8a mou arese emena pou exw kollima me kati tetoia kai pou isws na parakinouse ton kosmo na epistrepsei sto greek corner 8a itan diagwnismoi (me epa8lo i xwris/ allwste i idea tis nikis einai to idio simantiki k xwris kapoio megaleiwdes epa8lo) me idees kataskeyis me antikeimena toy ps p.x. exw dei katapliktika karabia na ftiaxnontai apo apla rafia kai suntribania, puraulous, spitia kai o,ti allo mporeite na fantasteite!!!! euxaristw!!!

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m'aresei afto! gia diagwnismous to skeftomun idi! exw idi epikinonisi me mods gia auti ti doulia! (de3ou to f/r gia mia bat doll! -an dn exw kaliteri idea apo alon mias kai ise prwti 8a paris to elafaki!)

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se ekana accept.... to proteina giati exw trela me ta dwmatia kai den exw kataferei na ftiaxw akomi to teleio!!!!

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marykorinthos wrote:
se ekana accept.... to proteina giati exw trela me ta dwmatia kai den exw kataferei na ftiaxw akomi to teleio!!!!

xaxa! 3erw t enoeis... k gw kolimeni... agria! lipon.. onoma pet k level gia n stilw?

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diagwnismoi avatars banners wallpapers opou o nikhths tha exei eidiko rank (to eidiko rank ftiaxnetai polu efkola apo ton admin)(px greek user of the week) klassikh idea (an k dn thn exw efarmosei akoma sto forum m lol)

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