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Selling Pink Christmas Tree!! -Sold out!-

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I'm Selling pink christmas tree.
I have 3 tree,
Now only 2 tree!!!
Each 1x4999

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f/r accepted and 5*999s sent
waiting for you to send the item :winked:

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OH! I'm so so so so so sorry. I wasnt at here. I'm logging now. I'll send Smile

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do you still have one? didn't it dissapear after maintanence?

if you have one, i'd like it for 5x999

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you had it before the maintanence so now you have it, or you sold all of them? :/

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My tree was gone but now I found it. But Noor was send 5x999 so I asked her again.
If she wants I'll send her, but If she doesnt want, I can send you ^^

[I'm sorry for my bad english =()

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Phoenix Liew wrote:
hi i am waiting for the tree. thanks ya

I'm trying to send. Please wait Smile

Yes, 5x999 ^^

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@Phoenix Liew; tree sent Smile + rep added

@tweet40: I'm waiting Smile

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Look at right at my message (under the I'm online sing) there is + and - symbols. You should click +.
I hope you understand me, because english isnt my nature language Laughing

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tweet40: All items received and pink tree sent.
+rep adding now thanks ^^

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