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Silver Chandlers

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When were the silver chandlers in pet society? I have a few friends that have them, but I haven't seen them anywhere! They are so pretty just like the ones removed from box.

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can you post a picture of them ?? then someone may be able to tell you ..

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Weird, It looks exactly like the royal chandelier but it's silver! Maybe a hacked item. Can they do that?

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The Chandeliers are the variation of the Gold Royal Chandeliers but they are silver
Let me find a pic and post it here

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Your welcome myladyyawo. I'm curious about it. And it looks great!

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from what i have read... those chandeliers are not released but obtained by the hackers... there are other items that are not released like the blue tinsel...

and since they are not released... it's kinda risky to own 1 esp if pf decided to ban those who own unreleased items...

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haha_13 wrote:
from what i have read... those chandeliers are not released but obtained by the hackers... there are other items that are not released like the blue tinsel...

and since they are not released... it's kinda risky to own 1 esp if pf decided to ban those who own unreleased items...

Thank you! I also heard that the chandelier is 5000 ps coins. I can't wait for it Ashamed

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Whoa, I like it better in silver, but if it's not released I wouldn't want one, for reasons already brought up that I agree with about the risks.

That is craziness....

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lea75 wrote:
did you actually see this in someones room?

yes. The owner also have a black pet

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