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insomia strikes on me!

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help! i've been having terrible insomias these past few days.. just last night i had trouble sleeping. i tossed and turn on the bed.. i kept me eyes closed but it didn't work. it was 6 am when i totally dozed off coz my eyes were hurting from being awake. any advice on how to be asleep and stay asleep?

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I had, for a while CSD (Chronic Sleeping Disorder), which was cured (if that's possible) by Homeopathic treatments. It's a form of alternative medicine. Today, my sleeping problems are a thing of the past, but on any given night, I wil have insomnia.

What I do isn't so extreme, as in the case with CSD, I try to balance out when I wake each day and when I go to sleep. That is, I generally go to bed at 11pm and wake at 8 am every day (even on weekends). That way my body is adjusted to this and it makes going to sleep easier. If it's an extreme case I will take a plantlike substance called 'Baldrian', which helps to calm me down and then I can go to sleep.

Hope that helps.

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thanks for the advice.. i think you're right about sleeping at a certain time so that the body can adjust.. do you think drinking warm milk/chocolate would help too?

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It can't hurt as long as there's no caffeine in it. If you drink coffee, make it decaf. I don't know if there is something in chocolate that keeps people awake. Otherwise, something warm does generally help. Sometimes what really helps me is a small glass of red wine, or hot tea with sugar candies and a small shot of rum (But only if it is allowable) .

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btw.. NEVER try to count sheeps... it just keeps people awake...

a hot milk with honey will help... or a light drink like wine... (a little!) a friend of mine takes valerianas... but i don't know... it depends on the age you are... just do something to relax you before going to sleep...

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I'm a really bad night owl so I don't know how much I can help but I'll try. First if its only just starting, it could be stress try writing down a list of things that are on your mind, try acomplishing something important before bed time like tidding up or what ever you need to get ready for the next day. If you can't stop thinking about things, try to put some white noise (music, sounds, or a fan (might be too cold for a fan I don't know) ) or try reading a book.

Science has proven that there is nothing in warm milk that will help you sleep, but if it personally calms you then go for it. You can also try a nice warm bath and keeping the lights dim before bed time. Once you lay down try not to think or focus on falling asleep as you will be too busy thinking about it instead of letting your body fall asleep. Depending on if you can buy it there or how old you are, you can also talk to your doctor about melatonin supplement (it's a natural cemical in your body that helps with natural sleep/wake cycle and can be available at a natural vitamin or health food place).

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myladyyawo wrote:
I'm a really bad night owl so I don't know how much I can help but I'll try. First if its only just starting, it could be stress try writing down a list of things that are on your mind, try acomplishing something important before bed time like tidding up or what ever you need to get ready for the next day. If you can't stop thinking about things, try to put some white noise (music, sounds, or a fan (might be too cold for a fan I don't know) ) or try reading a book.

Science has proven that there is nothing in warm milk that will help you sleep, but if it personally calms you then go for it. You can also try a nice warm bath and keeping the lights dim before bed time. Once you lay down try not to think or focus on falling asleep as you will be too busy thinking about it instead of letting your body fall asleep. Depending on if you can buy it there or how old you are, you can also talk to your doctor about melatonin supplement (it's a natural cemical in your body that helps with natural sleep/wake cycle and can be available at a natural vitamin or health food place).

I do agree on everything u said.. i just can't help thinking so many things while i lay in bed and soo yeah that made my mind feel busy. i'll listen to the music before going to bed. i think this would be of great help. thanks myladyyawo Smile

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Lucky Strike wrote:
btw.. NEVER try to count sheeps... it just keeps people awake...

a hot milk with honey will help... or a light drink like wine... (a little!) a friend of mine takes valerianas... but i don't know... it depends on the age you are... just do something to relax you before going to sleep...

OMG! you are so right.. i tried counting sheeps and it kept me awake because i was too preoccupied of not missing a number.. lol. that was a really bad idea.. Laughing

i'm already of legal age so i guess drinking wine wouldn't hurt.. lol. thanks for the advice..

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I have also used meditation as a way to relax my mind. Sometimes I can't sleep because I have so many ideas for stories swimming around, so I if I can calm myself and focus my thoughts on the vast nothingness, then I can go to sleep.

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kayLeigh wrote:

I do agree on everything u said.. i just can't help thinking so many things while i lay in bed and soo yeah that made my mind feel busy. i'll listen to the music before going to bed. i think this would be of great help. thanks myladyyawo Smile

Well happy to hear I could help a little, stress gets me everytime! I pray every night just before I fall asleep, it helps to calm my mind placing my stresses and worried on Gods shoulders... not sure if you are religous though, but maybe developing a routine before going to bed like a nice thought or something... Hope the music helps!

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Try to drink milk before you sleep, it helps Smile

You can also try not to think many things when you're about to sleep Smile

pray before you go to sleep Smile

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
I have also used meditation as a way to relax my mind. Sometimes I can't sleep because I have so many ideas for stories swimming around, so I if I can calm myself and focus my thoughts on the vast nothingness, then I can go to sleep.

hmmm.. that sounds like a good idea.. thanks Tiddly Winks! I'll keep that in mind Smile

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Hi and sorry to step in, i'm new here Smile

I too have bouts of insomnia although for me I know exactly where it comes from.

One of the things that can help quiet your mind and help you relax in general are various relaxation/breathing exercises. Believe me, they really help calm you down. When you are stressed your body starts to react and your mind starts to race. So you need to find a way to stop your mind and relax your body....

Here are some websites that explain how to do this. oh i just realized we can't post websites here so you can do a google search for 'progressive relaxation' or 'deep breathing relaxation techniques'. If you download things from the internet you could also do a torrent search for 'paul mckenna' and 'deep relaxation'- you can put this on at night to listen to, but it will also help more than you can imagine in general.

if you want more information, feel free to send me a message Smile
good luck!

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