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Restaurant City Update: December 8

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A reindeer´s favourite
By mejlis
Hello fellow restauranteurs! Restaurant City has been updated with an array of new items and new limited dishes!

The Holiday magic is continuing this week with new items for the holidays as well as the new stove and fridge inspired by the up-coming holiday season. Will you be going for a gingerbread theme this week or a candy theme, or will you even be able to fit in your Large Festive tree?

The Festive Stove will cook food 10% faster while the Festive Fridge will allow your waiters to serve drinks 10% faster, both these items are only available until January 4th 2010.

For the outside of your restaurant we have Gingerbread windows and doors, as well as Bubblegum, Winegum and of course the Green and White Holly. This will ensure your whole restaurants gets into the holiday spirit.

For the inside of your restaurant, you can continue the gingerbread or candy theme with the gingerbread walls and the candy chairs and tables, but let´s not forget the decorative Festive Tree and Presents!

Make sure you check out the 3 new limited dishes, mmm, I´d definetely eat at a restaurant that served any of these dishes!

This week there is one starter, the Reindeer´s Favourite, made up of only carrots of course! I am not sure if I would eat a Gingerbread House for main course, but it is surely yummi! For dessert, you can now serve the Festive Pudding which I am sure will go down a treat with your customers.

You can unlock all these dishes until Midnight January 5th. If you have not unlocked the dishes before that time, the dishes will disappear from your menu, so you need to hurry and collect those ingredients.

Once you have unlocked any of the three dishes, you can upgrade them to a level higher than level 1 at any time. You can upgrade them also after the limited time period, but you need to remember to learn the dish you want to keep in your menu. If you haven´t learned the dishes (got them to at least level 1) before the period is over, they will disappear from your menu, however you may be able to buy these recipes in future.

You will also notice that if you go to the Gourmet Street, you will now find restaurants there – also your cleaners will now clean your outside seating area.

Remember to be a fan of Restaurant City to claim your free orange! If you need help finding it, post here, and I'll give you a link

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Haha, they are really cute though...but since only two things are limited, I'll only buy those.

Maybe I'll buy a couple christmas trees

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ok. do u want to know the funny thing? i spent all my money decorating the interior part of the restaurant, without thinking that also external new items were released!

then esperia said she has bought a door, so i went to see and... wooooooow!!
but now.... i'm broke! XD

mango, do u sell coins? how?

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Yup. I sell it 1 PS coin=2 RC coins Smile

So, you can buy stuff with your coins Smile Like a gift card.

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that's interesting!
unfortynately i'm broke also in pet society but i'll consider it!

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Chiaretta wrote:
that's interesting!
unfortynately i'm broke also in pet society but i'll consider it!

hahahhahahaha me too

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Gourmet king is exactly the same as hideeni except that you get to choose which item to let others claim. For example, when you click on it, it will give you a choice of a new dish, vanilla or raisins. You choose one for your friends to claim off you. The gourmet king is usually seen on the street or in the garden area. That's where it usually is; not always though

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