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Maths roblem...

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My math teacher is a male,and he`s very old... He`s retiring soon,so we`re all happy,but he won`t retire B4 I finish school. He has a horrible sense of a humor (let`s not talk about that right now,later on this post...) When he teaches us the new lesson,he sits on the back desk,and relaxes! He gives us the book and we have to study that lesson all by ourselves! Then when the lesson is over,we get out of the classroom. And when we have a test,we all have F`s and D`s...And when we need an explanation from him,he hires one of his best students,who actually goes to private lessons,to teach us! Imagine that!!!! After that day,the whole class rushed to the principal and we all gave complaints! He didn`t got fired and even didn`t receive any warning! He just sat in the back chair and relaxed! Now,about the sense of humor! I play violin,and I`m really good at it! But in my math classroom,my math teacher disrespects that! He offends me about violin,saying this joke,which is really not funny: `If you want a good grade then you`ll have to bring your violin here and play me a song.` I mean what a jackass!!!! He thinks he`s the smartest! He`s just one peace of shhhh..... poo! He also offends other students that they are swines and cows,and that they will never have a life! We all agreed never to talk with him again,and he is still picking on our nerves! Complaining to the principal will not give us any help,because he ignored us!

So,any1 here has any advice?

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talk to your parents hun

If one of my kids was being treated like that then I would be straight up the school making a very loud fuss until something was done about it lol

If you can get all your classmates to talk to their parents as well, and all the parents complain to the school, then they wont have a choice but to investigate it and repremand the teacher

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Is this teacher head of the Math department? If not, can you go to him/her and calmly explain your problem? I'm sure the rest of the staff are not as unaware of the situation as you think!!
Your best option I can see is to actually study alone at home ..from books, internet etc ..and show this person that you can do well despite his non efforts to help you.

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Lea I did,and all they do is don`t understand me seriously.
They just say to me that I need to impress the teacher,and I am trying hard,but he`s still offending... : (

kasijab I do study maths,but I still need his explanation. I really need to go to private lessons!

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only one thing could help - less ps and psfc, more study!
it's your final year, what high school you'll go to, it depends on it...

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i thought it was a math problem not a problem with the teacher! he is so mean and doesn't respect anyone! have he ever tried to play violin? insted of offending people he should try to actually teach you math and care a little! this is how he wants to remebered? i think you should try to talk to other professors about that, i'm sure there would be someone who really cares or your parents and try someone to help you with lessons like your parents or your brother or a friend! I hope that it is solved!!!! awwww! Sad

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@ tweet40 I`m going to high musical school after I finish my school.
@ Fashionista Agreed with rudeness and non-respectful person Sad

I`m trying my best to solve this problem...

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wish I could sort it out for you hun x

Keep talking to your parents and your other teachers...they will see how much this is getting to you

I went through something very similar while in school (he was a maths teacher as well) and I know how hard it is to go though it

Hugs to you x

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My dad,when he was young,he had to study all by himself...
In those times there weren`t many teachers...

And the schools were empty

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Parents, or PTA. Man, what a jackass xS My math teacher smells bad, but she's really good at what she does. Even the slow kids(including me xD) follows her, no one's lower than C's congratulations That's how a teacher should be like, tell your principal that.

Oh, oh! Or, bring your class and complain to the mayor! Nice !

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