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Server merge

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There is a idea founded by me, kev, and light about grabbing the best moderators from applecraft. We have some ideas and thoughts on to who to import

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The whole purpose behind this entire idea is to provide more staff. Over the weekend we reached the front page and went all the way up to #8 I was told before we had to reset. We had 5 Artisan+ Staff on but at one point were still wildly overrun. That being said, We (referring to Kev, Zhuge and I) were talking and thought about adding more staff.

AppleCraft is a server with a few solid staff members, but due to its small size, it gets overrun a little more often. AppleCraft just happens to run on fcraft, which this server runs. We had a simple idea to in essence borrow staff From AppleCraft for when we get too busy, and if they show any real potential , I see no reason not to promote them further based on their moderating history.

We have proposed this idea to Both Onion, EricB and also to A few of the better staff members on AppleCraft. We will start them at Artisan , because it is the first rank in which you get /undox.

A list of potential People we have begun Artisan Trials for:

RyanIssoAwesome - Artisan As of 12/04/2011
AlecBahmer - Artisan As of 12/04/2011

People considering option/having spoken to :

JaffaMiner (currently Mason with JaffaTraz for own world )

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Current Staff :

  • 4 Grandmasters
  • 10 Experts
  • 13 Adepts

    Server limit : 32

We currently have 27 moderators. I don't care in what timezone they live in, I think it's far than enough. It's just going out of control and going unorganised. Back when Onion was the lone Admin, we had a few Moderators, hit the cap a few time and didn't struggle once. He promoted some people that he could trust and see fit in the server. It was going all well until we decide to promote more people. It started by going unorganized, expert doing solo decisions, so we had to organise it by making polls that some people weren't following because of no communication.

Every moves we do from now on is just too quick. Let's say Experts+ are the decisions maker and Adepts our good moderators. 14 experts most know the situation, understand it well, give their opinion about whether they like it or not, etc. If they are not able to give their opinion on any moves we are doing, they don't deserve expert but adept.

The merge is useless if we get nothing in return. The server runs good without any help. They shouldn't be the one who gets the profit, it should be us. For me this merge is just a problem maker right now. Did we really need that? We just hit the cap 2 days ago. We. Don't. Need. More. Staff. You guys are giving OUR players to some random people who decides to come here.

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At last, someone who is noticing what I've noticed. I completely agree with Eric. Thank-you for putting my thoughts into words x)

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Although we have thst many staff one must know over half of them arent specializing in moderation like me, po and doom

Many cases they dont do it due to time limits ie mouf, shar,
Interest ie ohero and frogger. Our core expert team is not as big as it used to be. Like for example demonic and finnen are both gone. So this gives us a baseline of 2gms, 7 experts and x amount of adepts

AlsO with the smp going live soon we will need a large team to cover both at rhe same time

Finally the title is misleading we are just picking up 1-3 of them who have experience with fcraft moderation. Let kev explain more

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Zhuge wrote:
Although we have thst many staff one must know over half of them arent specializing in moderation like me, po and doom

I have never seen Po and Doom participate in ANY changes. Don't compare yourself to them you are totally wrong. Doom did participate on not so important changes.

Zhuge wrote:
Many cases they dont do it due to time limits ie mouf, shar,

Don't rush things. If it's a good idea we'll eventually accept it or try to make it better.

Zhuge wrote:
Our core expert team is not as big as it used to be. Like for example demonic and finnen are both gone. So this gives us a baseline of 2gms, 7 experts and x amount of adepts

When I first started there was 2-3 experts, that's it. And they NEVER struggled. NEVER.

Zhuge wrote:
Interest ie ohero and frogger.

I think frogger is not interested cause he's kind of tired of these things. Sharok is always watching our forum. I have no idea why he says nothing.

Zhuge wrote:
AlsO with the smp going live soon we will need a large team to cover both at rhe same time

No we don't.

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Thank you for prematurely posting this thread. -.-"
GMs: There's often a day without ANY of the GM's coming online.
Active moderation experts: Zhuge, Lightning, Doom and myself.
Active real moderating adepts: around 3/4.
That leaves us with an active moderating playerbase of around 6-8 people.
Refering to Eric's history view: Right now, most of that staff playerbase is american, the time you were referring to, we always had like 2 adept+ online, now we don't, that's why this idea came up.
Don't think I don't understand what you mean, I do and you have a point.
However, when only like 40% is active and moderating, we could use the help.
Lightning knows the complete staff, I know a lot of them because they are also in moderating ranks on fCraft.
[just read what you said just before me]
Never struggled? that was because back then we also had adepts moderating, seriously moderating.
Also, what's the big problem, it's almost like you're scared to lose your rank.
We're not trying to kick people out and put new people up.
Absolutely NOT, we're just trying to get this server to be moderated CORRECTLY.
And Eric, just like me, you left the server a few times, if that happens again, even less moderators.
It's for the good of this server.

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kevinsweijen wrote:
GMs: There's often a day without ANY of the GM's coming online.

How often do you see a GM only in your normal games.
kevinsweijen wrote:
Active moderation experts: Zhuge, Lightning, Doom and myself.

I'm always hidden. I disagree with you and from what I see. Zhuge is the most active, agreed.
kevinsweijen wrote:
Active real moderating adepts: around 3/4.

I would say 1/4
kevinsweijen wrote:
That leaves us with an active moderating playerbase of around 6-8 people.

Wrong math
kevinsweijen wrote:
Refering to Eric's history view: Right now, most of that staff playerbase is american, the time you were referring to, we always had like 2 adept+ online, now we don't, that's why this idea came up.

Most players are also American
kevinsweijen wrote:
Don't think I don't understand what you mean, I do and you have a point.

You don't
kevinsweijen wrote:
However, when only like 40% is active and moderating, we could use the help.

kevinsweijen wrote:
Lightning knows the complete staff, I know a lot of them because they are also in moderating ranks on fCraft.

kevinsweijen wrote:
Never struggled? that was because back then we also had adepts moderating, seriously moderating.

You weren't even there.
kevinsweijen wrote:
Also, what's the big problem, it's almost like you're scared to lose your rank.

Why would I lose it?
kevinsweijen wrote:
Absolutely NOT, we're just trying to get this server to be moderated CORRECTLY.


Sleeping time. I'll just leave this quotation mess for tomorrow and "elaborate" later.

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Guest Eeyle
I'm on Eric's side. We really don't necessarily need more staff. 24 adept+. I would say over 90% of them are semi active, and at least 50% of those actually moderate.

Also, I'm not too fond of them going straight to artisan. Artisan is usually 50 hours. Their getting it at 0.05 hours. Mason would be better to start them off at, it would allow them to get to know the server better. And once they reach, oh I don't know..5-10 hours, they can get artisan.

Just my opinion.

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this is exactly why I wanted to work things out before posting anything, idea isn't coming through, well done Z

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At the moment, I don't see much point for this cause they're just artisans. And no, I'm not fond of handing out ranks for nothing either.
But when the smp goes online, I think enough mods go for it and leave classic mods busy. And couple mods with 30 novices isn't nice, even with undox. But for now, this is bit rushed.

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Guest Snowy
Agreed. I'm going with eric. Do we really need all that people? And am I not an active moderater? U underestimate how many staff actually are on throughout the day

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3 artisans isn't a huge change for people count, regardless how many we had. Basically we thought that since there would be 2 servers up (smp and classic) , that we might consider taking on more staff on classic because our staff will be spread more thinly to cover smp. If you disagree with this idea or their artisan rank, please demote them to what you see fit.

The idea WAS completely rushed, it went from talking about it between me zhuge and kev on skype then basically rushed into AppleCraft and asked them. Am I expecting those mods to stay permanently? no. But if we go up the list again and get busy (possibly while most staff is on SMP, ect), will I run over to applecraft and ask for their help? Of course.

I'm not asking for new permanent superpowers in the server or anything as outrageous as that, I'm just asking for some backup when things get really hectic. Mostly this is planning for the future rather than planning for today.

Personally, I don't care for handing out ranks. I merely suggested that we give them a chance to prove moderating ability. (except for maybe alecbahmer, I didn't 100% think that out, but still am for giving him a chance)

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Alright alright, look.

Personally I don't see the need for more staff either,
Eric has made many points that I agree with, but then again we don't have an absolute account on how things were back in the old days.
To put new people in, i only find this is an issue if they were to go straight to mod ranks, but they aren't, and Z/Kev said that.
they're starting at artisan, and they have our experts faith in them. there IS no problem with this, you people are really questioning yourselves on how you trust kev, and Z, and whilst the idea is a bit farfetched, the conditions seem reasonable to me.

I understand that we have something to lose here, we lose organization, and i think Eric is right on that note;
and whilst i'd LIKE to agree that we need them, I don't think we really do.

The point is, If we're not moderating properly, which it's been made clear that either we aren't, or that we need more staff - i'd like to believe that we simply need more staff, as we so boldly like to state that we have many active staff members.

I think the idea's fine. Maybe put them a lower rank though, don't scare the artisans+adepts. Give them a shot.
They start where we started and i'd like to ask whether the guest world is considered a trial area for guests or whether it's really a sacred area of safety that we must protect. I hope you see what i mean by this.

Kevin, put the idea into your own words below my comment, i want to hear it from you since Z didn't communicate it effectively.

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agreed mouf. light and me have thought bout it over again after another bunch of apc/fcraft staff visited aitm.
i think we should go with a pupil/mason rank for the imports. It seems a majority of them have been won over by our hospitality and the fact that apc is collapsing under them.

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Zhuge wrote:
agreed mouf. light and me have thought bout it over again after another bunch of apc/fcraft staff visited aitm.
i think we should go with a pupil/mason rank for the imports. It seems a majority of them have been won over by our hospitality and the fact that apc is collapsing under them.

lets see..

zhuge, snowy, lightning, ohero, eeyle, 110, doom, frogger, sharok, ericrb, mouf, kevinsweijen, imph, demonic, finnen..

Taking finnen out of the equation as he's never on (reasons aside)
how many experts know about this anyway?

*ah i forgot, Onion of course too.

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how many of them have you talked to about the idea of merging the server with applecraft ._. just wondering

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They are not merging.
For many reasons, including the regrets of peers and possibilities that they could steal our maps, but mainly for that their attitude was simply shit.

This is not a vote.
This is indefinite.

None of them are getting ranked here, and further discussions with apc for "mod help" will be looked down upon.
Unless it's a simple transfer whereas we'd have to be given a proper look into the person (not person(s)) and what they are like before even making a move to rank them. Maybe give them 5-10 hours in the server before we rank them to anything with an one-person transfer.

Anyway. We've had enough headaches from this one.

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This project is such a headache. I'm pulling the plug on it. Those idiots don't deserve a life boat. There is a reason they are on a failing server, and its them.

21:35APBotalecmacher: po come in
21:35APBot#Stan: Wanna do the ranking?
21:35Lightning_PoAITM Lifeboat project has been scrapped
21:35APBot#Stan: Id
21:35Lightning_Poenjoy yourselves
21:35APBotalecmacher: well your ban here is for sure
21:35APBot#Stan: 876 317 746
21:35APBotalecmacher: ok
21:35APBotalecmacher: pass?
21:35Lightning_Pofine, you guys are dicks anyways
21:35APBot#Stan: 476jag is pass
21:36Lightning_PoI stick out a helping hand
21:36APBotalecmacher: well your server is a dick
21:36Lightning_Poand you idiots bite it
21:36APBotalecmacher: helping hand?!!!!
21:36Lightning_Poyou know it for yourself
21:36Lightning_Postan dont give a fuck about the server
21:36StanSo are you
21:36Lightning_Poits eventual death is imminent
*** Lightning_Po was kicked by Stan (Good bye)
!!! You have been kicked from #APC

ONCE AGAIN, PULLING THE PLUG ON THIS NONSENSE, I only want jaffaminer and he'll be a mason. he was the original transfer that started this mess. If anyone objects this , please speak up.

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lightning_po wrote:
This project is such a headache. I'm pulling the plug on it. Those idiots don't deserve a life boat. There is a reason they are on a failing server, and its them.

21:35APBotalecmacher: po come in
21:35APBot#Stan: Wanna do the ranking?
21:35Lightning_PoAITM Lifeboat project has been scrapped
21:35APBot#Stan: Id
21:35Lightning_Poenjoy yourselves
21:35APBotalecmacher: well your ban here is for sure
21:35APBot#Stan: 876 317 746
21:35APBotalecmacher: ok
21:35APBotalecmacher: pass?
21:35Lightning_Pofine, you guys are dicks anyways
21:35APBot#Stan: 476jag is pass
21:36Lightning_PoI stick out a helping hand
21:36APBotalecmacher: well your server is a dick
21:36Lightning_Poand you idiots bite it
21:36APBotalecmacher: helping hand?!!!!
21:36Lightning_Poyou know it for yourself
21:36Lightning_Postan dont give a fuck about the server
21:36StanSo are you
21:36Lightning_Poits eventual death is imminent
*** Lightning_Po was kicked by Stan (Good bye)
!!! You have been kicked from #APC

ONCE AGAIN, PULLING THE PLUG ON THIS NONSENSE, I only want jaffaminer and he'll be a mason. he was the original transfer that started this mess. If anyone objects this , please speak up.

Read what i just said above, again, slowly. XDDD

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