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Airship mod

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The airship mod is client-sided, making it so that anyone who wants to login to the server has to have the mod. This is annoying and limits how many people will come on the server, by a lot. However, there is a slightly less fluid form of it that is a server-side plugin. The plugin is called Movecraft and it's incredible, can make builds come to life. It has several different flying modes/make-ups, and is just a little laggy.

Might be inactive though, meh. More information here http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/inactive-mech-fun-movecraft-v0-7-1-cars-planes-and-boats-made-of-blocks-1185.1007/page-61#post-875335

EDIT: Also http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/movecraft/ which could mean that the plugin ISN'T abandoned.

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