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/mute for artisan+?

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I think artisans and adepts should be able to use /mute. They can already /freeze and /kick, and Adept can /ban, so why not /mute? It should be like /freeze and /kick, where artisans can only mute novices and adepts can only mute mason and below. With all of the activity on the server recently, there have been a lot of chat spammers, most of which we had to wait until it got really bad so ttat we could kick/ban them because no one expert+ was on. But I think that if this happens there should probably be some limitations as well, for example artisans can only mute someone for a max of 1 minute.

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At first, I didn't really have an opinion on this, but I did notice today how that could be useful. When there are no adepts, the artisans still watch over the server and protecting from grief, but since we can't ban, we just kick griefers. Usually they don't come back, but when they do come back, there isn't much we could do Sad if we could mute and freeze them, it would just be like they weren't there Razz but Ik that artisans are builder ranks and adepts are the mods, so I understand why we can't mute.

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It's always the same story.

If we don't have enough experts, adepts should take care of the server. If there's not enough adept... artisan.. mason, pupil.

I'll just go ahead and lock this topic.

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