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Found another player who was threating to shut down the server

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PuzzNBootz was threating to shut down the server with server crasher in order to get ranked

[2012-05-16 11:00:40] PuzzNbOOtZ: i will crash the server if no one rank me
[2012-05-16 11:00:51] Reminder: You are still hidden.
[2012-05-16 11:00:51] Rikjeh: shep i think rupred griefed over 50
[2012-05-16 11:00:51] PuzzNbOOtZ: and if u dont have rank
[2012-05-16 11:00:51] Joined world Main
[2012-05-16 11:00:51] Rikjeh: ive fixed much of him
[2012-05-16 11:00:54] PuzzNbOOtZ: u cant build or rank someone
[2012-05-16 11:00:59] wiwi11892: lol
[2012-05-16 11:01:12] wiwi11892: cant build?
[2012-05-16 11:01:18] wiwi11892: click on the floor and see
[2012-05-16 11:01:18] PuzzNbOOtZ: can i crash the server because i download a
[2012-05-16 11:01:18] > servercr
[2012-05-16 11:01:23] PuzzNbOOtZ: *asher
[2012-05-16 11:01:47] Mega_L: ok just ban him or kick him hes bing a pain
[2012-05-16 11:01:51] Rikjeh: shep here is one, he did this with other buildings
[2012-05-16 11:01:51] > too
[2012-05-16 11:02:16] BInfo: Click a block to look it up.
[2012-05-16 11:02:17] 14d18h ago: HiMikeItsMarcelo (offline) placed Stone
[2012-05-16 11:02:17] 10h14m ago: rupredduck (offline) deleted Stone
[2012-05-16 11:02:17] 10h14m ago: rupredduck (offline) placed TNT
[2012-05-16 11:02:20] Rikjeh: puzz plz stfu
[2012-05-16 11:02:25] PuzzNbOOtZ: no
[2012-05-16 11:02:33] PuzzNbOOtZ: i wont
[2012-05-16 11:02:35] Mega_L: yah
[2012-05-16 11:02:39] Rikjeh: you want mute?
[2012-05-16 11:02:45] About rupredduck: Last seen 10h12m ago from
[2012-05-16 11:02:46] > (ClientQuit).
[2012-05-16 11:02:46] Logged in 3 time(s) since 25 Mar 2012.
[2012-05-16 11:02:46] Built 335 and deleted 458 blocks, wrote 6 messages.
[2012-05-16 11:02:46] Rank is novice (default).
[2012-05-16 11:02:46] Spent a total of 0.4 hours (25.6 minutes) here.
[2012-05-16 11:02:49] PuzzNbOOtZ: this server will crash in any minute
[2012-05-16 11:02:50] Mega_L: stufu
[2012-05-16 11:03:02] (staff)PuzzNbOOtZ: Rikjeh
[2012-05-16 11:03:05] from Rikjeh: what to do with puzz?
[2012-05-16 11:03:14] Rikjeh: shep you on?
[2012-05-16 11:03:20] Sheppard: yeh I am on
[2012-05-16 11:03:35] Rikjeh: i found a dirty griefer
[2012-05-16 11:03:43] Rikjeh: rupredduck
[2012-05-16 11:03:46] Sheppard: puzz you are not getting ranked
[2012-05-16 11:03:51] PuzzNbOOtZ: iam
[2012-05-16 11:03:57] PuzzNbOOtZ: if not
[2012-05-16 11:04:02] PuzzNbOOtZ: i will crash the server
[2012-05-16 11:04:03] Sheppard: no you are not
[2012-05-16 11:04:08] Mega_L: watever rikjeh says i agry
[2012-05-16 11:04:09] wiwi11892: if not I will use server asher to crash it
[2012-05-16 11:04:20] wiwi11892: if not i will crash the server
[2012-05-16 11:04:24] wiwi11892: lol
[2012-05-16 11:04:27] PuzzNbOOtZ: ive download servercrasher
[2012-05-16 11:04:31] wiwi11892: wow
[2012-05-16 11:04:32] PuzzNbOOtZ: w
[2012-05-16 11:04:34] wiwi11892: how to crash
[2012-05-16 11:04:38] Sheppard: then do it
[2012-05-16 11:04:40] Mega_L: wat!!!!!
[2012-05-16 11:04:45] PuzzNbOOtZ: in any minute
[2012-05-16 11:04:48] PuzzNbOOtZ: it will
[2012-05-16 11:04:50] wiwi11892: cmon
[2012-05-16 11:04:52] Sheppard: goodbye puzz
[2012-05-16 11:04:59] Mega_L: ban him
[2012-05-16 11:05:03] wiwi11892: it's like pointing someone's head with a toy gun
[2012-05-16 11:05:12] wiwi11892: then say it could kill u!
[2012-05-16 11:05:13] Partial: /ban puzznbootz threating to shut down the server
[2012-05-16 11:05:17] Mega_L: i know
[2012-05-16 11:05:18] PuzzNbOOtZ* was banned by Sheppard
[2012-05-16 11:05:18] Ban reason: threating to shut down the server to get ranked
[2012-05-16 11:05:18] Player PuzzNbOOtZ* left the server.

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I've seen a lot of people on youtube doing the same thing for fun. He is just imitating or dumb.

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Sadly I bet there are servers that will actually believe him and rank him. Though not sure why they would need to threaten when there are plenty of servers already that just pop out admin ranks like they were free candy.

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